Raukura: Ngā kupu Pūmahara
Alumni: Words of Wisdom
Each year, we ask our alumni to pass on their ‘words of wisdom’. We even include some bite sized ones in fortune cookies at graduation. Find the words that speak to you.
Flash mentoring for students and alumni
Join Alumni Connect, our online flash mentoring tool that puts University of Auckland students in touch with alumni willing to share their industry advice and expertise. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and you could soon be connecting with your own personal advisory board of people who have been in your shoes! We have hundreds of alumni who have put their hands up to help, representing over a hundred different industries and locations.
“I’m always happy to find ways to give back. I was pleased to see the Alumni Connect platform made available as a way for students to connect with alumni who can provide advice and mentoring in their field.”
Gareth Cronin, EGM at Xero, Founder/CTO at Ambit
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