by ehom278 | Nov 1, 2020 | Future, Student stories
Ngā kōrero a ngā tauira: He aha ā muri iho? Student stories: What’s next? We asked students to tell us what effect 2020 had on their future plans, and where they saw themselves in three years’ time. Raquel Dewstow First-year student Bachelor of...
by ehom278 | Nov 1, 2020 | During, Student stories
Te ora ki rāhui Life in Lockdown It was the year we all played a nationwide game of ‘go home, stay home’. So what exactly were we getting up to over those long weeks at home? Read the 'zine French Club: Fostering community through lockdown “We...
by ehom278 | Nov 1, 2020 | During, Student stories
Te ora ki ngā wharenoho Life in the Halls Waipārūrū Hall President Jean-Daniel Rosset loved hall life this year, despite the occasional plot twist! He shares his thoughts on move-in day antics, finding balance in your everyday life, and the perks of five tasty meal...