Whakaaro auaha ki te mata o te mate urutā
Innovative thinking in the face of a pandemic
Covid-19 didn’t prevent the University community from rising to the challenge of creating innovative solutions to the world’s problems through Velocity – the University’s globally renowned student-led entrepreneurship development programme.
Students pivoted, persevered, and managed to run their first ever virtual events including the 2020 launch, Innovation Challenge prize giving, and $100k Challenge Qualifiers event in the form of interactive online webinars. The Innovation Challenge and $100k Challenge saw 264 and 81 entries respectively, many of which were solutions to problems presented by coronavirus.
Some of these entries included:
Innovation Challenge Covid-19 commercial prize winner and $100k Challenge Finalist
RosterLab uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence techniques to build exceptional rosters for hospital staff, much more quickly than is possible by hand. With a simple-to-use web application for roster creation and associated staff phone app, we can automate almost all of the rostering process. Our rosters will help stop the spread of Covid-19 and lead to better patient outcomes all over the world.
Innovation Challenge Commercial prize winner and $100k Challenge Finalist
The current Covid-19 infection pandemic has required mechanical ventilation of many patients over prolonged periods in order to maintain oxygenation. However, outcomes of ventilated patients have been variable and often unsatisfactory. We have a new experimental technology that will improve patient oxygenation and thereby improve patient outcomes.
Innovation Challenge Covid-19 social prize winner
CircleOut is a digital learning platform that lets young people learn from one another in a safe and supportive environment. We draw from indigenous knowledge systems and practices to unify technology, community, and education under the belief that life and learning are one and the same.
Read about the other winners and finalists on the Velocity site.
Reflections on graduating from the first inaugural Unleash Space CEO
Today is the day I have been visualising for the last four years when the going got tough (which was most days if I’m honest). Thanks to ol’ mate Covid-19, graduation wasn’t quite the one I expected, but celebrating homemade-style with my parents and daughter sure was special. With a can-do attitude, some resources from around the house and a touch of creativity, I managed to create a truly epic and unique celebration.
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